Monday, 22 September 2014

Natural Treatment for Weight Loss

Usually, the problem with losing weight is self control, emotional eating, low energy, and choosing the wrong foods. If you are determined to shed weight and speed up your sluggish metabolism, you must include a natural treatment for weight loss made up of Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother in your weight loss diet.

This herbal remedy for weight loss is making people lose 2-3 kgs of weight every month. . Though, results vary from person to person depending upon the severity of the problem. This is an age old home remedy for weight loss that attacks your fat and cholesterol levels, suppresses your appetite, junk food cravings and alcoholism. This weight loss diet completely detoxifies your body while providing you essential vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Herbal daily includes ideal weight loss foods that help you shed that fat without exercise, if you don’t even have the strength for it.

Ginger and Weight Loss
Ginger improves digestion by increasing the pH of the stomach and stimulating the digestive enzymes. An efficient digestive system contributes to weight loss because the bulking parts of ingested foods can be efficiently processed and eliminated from the body. A Dutch study confirmed that ginger should be recommended for treating obesity. In addition, there are reports that ginger boosts metabolism by up to 20%. This not only translates to weight loss but can also help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels as the body burns all the fat it is provided.

Garlic and Weight Loss

Garlic acts as an appetite suppressant as it gives the brain signals of satiety when it is eaten. Hence, a person would be less inclined to eat. Garlic stimulates the nervous system to release the adrenalin hormone – thereby increasing the metabolism. High metabolism helps you to burn calories, which is why garlic helps you lose weight naturally.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss

Drinking a bit of apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help you feel full if you drink it before a meal, causing an appetite suppression affect. ACV prevents fat from building up. ACV has also been shown to affect insulin secretion. The pH affect is also what causes your body to detox and maintain a healthy alkaline pH level, thereby making you lose weight.

Lemon and weight loss

One hundred grams of lemon contains around 88% of the recommended daily vitamin C intake, for only 30 calories. Lemons also contain small amounts of iron, calcium and vitamin B6. Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. Studies have shown people who maintain a more alkaline diet; do in fact lose weight faster.

Honey and weight loss

No doubt, you’ve been told all your life that you should avoid sugary things if you want to lose weight. Sugar, after it has been processed, is stripped of its nutrients. Honey, unlike table sugar, is a natural ingredient. It contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These all work together to help in fat and cholesterol metabolism, and that helps prevent obesity.

Honey, a natural sweetener, on the other hand, contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for its metabolism and hence is helpful in preventing obesity. Please know that you not only need to lose weight but lose weight SAFELY.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Anti-Aging Skin Care With Essential Oils

Who doesn’t want younger looking skin? Every woman I know does! And for me essential oils are the way to go. Essential oils have been used since before Egyptian times to provide medicine and sacred fragrance and perfumers. Aromatic herbs, spices and resins used to be so costly that only royalty could afford them, these days essential oils are easily obtainable by anyone – with a few high-cost exceptions such as Jasmine or Rose Otto. Essential oils can easily be blended at home into a carrier oil such as virgin coconut oil and applied to the face and body for a specific outcome, you can even just use one oil if you don’t yet have the confidence to make a blend of 3-5 oils.
Those of you not inclined to blend your own oil have options. Most of the women I know stock up on a blend called Immortelle. It has an amazing blend of the best (in my opinion) oils available! Here’s why they are so great for anti-aging & skin care.
6 Anti- Aging Essential Oils
Frankincense has been studied for its anti-inflammatory properties. Its anti-infectious property also helps protect the skin from harmful microbes. Frankincense is also soothing to the skin and nerves.

Sandalwood has been found in several studies to protect skin from the harmful effects of UV-b radiation. It may also be useful in skin regeneration, and in stopping skin infections.

Lavender has been studied for its ability to reduce inflammation and allergic reactions in the skin. It has also been used to help the skin recover from burns, blisters, infections, and other injuries, as well as to help reduce conditions related to dry skin.
Myrrh is known to be soothing to the skin, and is often used to relieve chapped or cracked skin. It has been studied for its anti-inflammatory properties, and is also used to fight many bacterial, fungal, and viral infections of the skin.
Helichrysum is used to help relieve skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It has antioxidant properties, and is often used for tissue regeneration, pain relief, and healing. It has also been used as a natural sun screen.
Rose is often used to help stop the breakdown of collegen in the skin that can lead to a loss of elasticity and wrinkles. It has also been used to help prevent scarring, and to help the body overcome various skin diseases and infections.
As you can see these oils may help reduce wrinkles, age spots, inflammation, and protect against UV damage. I’ve heard several women say that when they’ve gone back into have their eyes checked that they have to get a new prescription because their eyesight got better!


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

8 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

It is difficult to get rid of belly fat but we found ways to eliminate belly fat forever.

1. Start your day with lemon juice This is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Pinch some yellow juice into a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of that paunch.

2. Stay off from white rice Replace white rice with various wheat products. Include brown rice, brown bread, whole grains, oats and quinoa in your diet.

3. Avoid sugary substances Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.

4. Drink plenty of water If you want to get rid of your belly, then drink sufficient amount of water every day. Drinking water, after regular intervals will help to boost your metabolism and remove toxins from your body.

5. Eat raw garlic Chew two to three cloves of garlic every morning, and drink a glass of lemon water after that. This treatment will double up your weight loss process and make your blood circulation smooth in your body.

6. Avoid non-veg food To eliminate belly fat, it is recommended that one should avoid non-vegetarian food as far as possible.

7. Load up on fruits and vegetables Eat a bowl of fruits daily in the morning and evening. This will fill you up with many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

8. Spice up your cooking Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in your cooking. These spices are loaded with health benefits. They help to improve your insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Chemical Peels treatment to Acne

Acne is the commonest skin disorder across the world and affects men and women across all ages and skin types. The process leading to acne involves entrapment of excess keratin and sebum in the hair follicles in skin. This debris may further get infected by skin bacteria, transforming the open and closed comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) to active acne (pimples, nodules and cysts). Left untreated, acne may leave permanent scars, pits and pigmentation. Thus it is imperative to treat it at the earliest.

Chemical peels are a useful tool for dermatologists to help speed up the resolution of acne. Excessive deposition of keratin is one of the main steps in the mechanism of acne formation. Peels help decrease and prevent acne by renewing the skin surface and reducing this build up of excess keratin and sebum on skin. Peels contain enzymes and medical grade acids which produce a controlled mild resurfacing of the outermost layer of skin, such as glycolic, salicylic, or lactic acid. The chemicals are derived from natural sources, such as glycolic acid from sugarcane and lactic acid from milk. Chemical exfoliation with peels makes skin smoother and increases the penetration of active ingredients into the affected follicles for quicker resolution of acne. Peels differ in the acid used and time of contact with the skin. Superficial peels used for acne are a simple ten minute office-based procedure wherein a mild peeling agent is applied to the skin with a brush under medical supervision and cleaned with specific neutralizers and water after a few minutes.

Superficial chemical peels cause no visible redness, skin peeling or downtime and require only gentle skin care and sun protection. In the few days following a chemical peel, skin is usually visibly clearer, with significant reduction in the extent and severity of acne. Your dermatologist may treat acne, with peels alone (one or more sessions at two week intervals) or in conjunction with oral and topical prescription medication, based on the skin condition, grade and severity of acne.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Laser Hair Reduction with eLase

We gift a loss you would love and thank us for!
Unwanted hair growth is a common cosmetic problem for both women and men.
Mechanical and cosmetic improvement techniques to eliminate unwanted hair include many methods which can be slow and painful with efficacy rates ranging between 15% and 50% for long-term hair removal results.
The most convincing and up-to date technology used for this is laser and we are the only clinic in Delhi with the latest machines that allow safe, effective and comfortable hair removal along with acne, wrinkles treatment and scars removal.
eLase technology is an innovative and exciting development in the treatment of hair removal. With this approach, one may achieve hair reduction while minimising the applied light energy and its associated undesired side effects.

Q: What areas of the body can be treated?
A: eLase treats unwanted hair growth on all body areas including: upper lip, cheeks, chin, neck, breasts, stomach, arms, shoulders, bikini area, legs and back.
Q: How does eLase work for hair removal?
A: Hair follicles are precisely targeted and destroyed using the revolutionary eLase combination of bipolar radio frequency and laser energies.
Q: Is hair removal with eLase right for me?
A: Both men and women can achieve permanent hair reduction on almost all body areas. Only eLase is proven to remove lighter coloured hair, on all skin tones. To achieve a successful outcome on lighter hair colors, more treatments may be needed compared to darker hair colors.
Q: When can I expect to see results?
A: Hair growth is reduced after each treatment. The number of treatments required is based on your hair color and type, body area, and skin tone.
Q: Does it hurt?
A: The new eLase treatment is a virtually painless treatment. Cooling of skin surface and a constant measurement of skin's resistance ensures safety with comfort during treatment. This is a no-downtime procedure. Patients can return to normal activities immediately.
Q: How does Motif IR Treatment work?
A: Combined energies of eLase technology precisely heat connective tissue within the target treatment area. This stimulates collagen production and produces a younger appearance in the skin. Mild to moderate wrinkles are reduced, and the texture of your skin becomes smoother with a decrease in pore size.
Q: When can I expect to see results?
A: Most patients start to notice overall improvement between 2-3 treatment sessions. Some patients note improvement even after the first treatment. Total number of treatment sessions required depends on your skin's condition.
Q: Is eLase Fractional Treatment right for me?
A: Motif IR Fractional Treatment is a safe and effective solution for most skin types.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Introducing the NEW Cooltech® - Localised Fat Reduction System


The Cooltech® procedure effectively reduces localised adipose tissue using a controlled cooling system with a non-invasive method.

CRYOTECHNOLOGY is the latest technology used in fat removal treatments through a system of controlled cooling.
This revolutionary technology is based on a new NEITHER INVASIVE NOR PAINFUL procedure that cools the treated area to reduce the localized fat cells in a smoothly and naturally manner.
The CRYOTECHNOLOGY technology is applicable on all kinds of skin and tissues, no matter the age or sex.
The machine is designed with two suction heads, which can work simultaneously, and both the temperature and the suction are independently adjustable.

The CRYOTECHNOLOGY treatment consists in applying cool to the fat cells, freezing therefore the localized tissue for a controlled period of time. The CRYOTECHNOLOGY heads generate a vacuum effect when the skin is suctioned, decreasing the blood flow of the treated zone, immobilizing the fat tissue, and partially isolating it from the other tissues to protect them and avoid damaging them.

Once the cooling procedure is finished, the fat cells are liberated into the lymphatic system. The damaged fat cells are gradually eliminated through the natural metabolic process of our organism. The results are visible between the 1st and 3rd .

The CRYOTECHNOLOGY device has two heads that allow treating two areas simultaneously. This means that the duration of the procedure can be shorten, achieving the top-profitability in the sessions.

The heads allow conducting treatments in different body areas with the same accessory, thanks to its design, size and form wise (it is made with last generation materials).


  • Pain free and non-invasive
  • Visible results in 15 days after one procedure
  • The procedure allows patients to immediately resume their lives

  • Sessions of no less than 60 minutes
  • 1-3 Sessions in the same area every 6-8 weeks

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Thighs
  • Flanks
  • Arms
  • Hips
  • Abductors

Clinical Studies

45 year old – Before the Treatment

45 year old – 13 Days After the Treatment

13 days After the Treatment
Session 1
Age 24
Technique Cryotechnology + 15 massage

Measurements                 The Substrate 15 Days After Application
5 cm Above the Navel      77 cm            72 cm
Belly Button                    86 cm             82 cm
5 cm under the navel        92.5 cm          87 cm

24 year old – Before the Treatment

24 year old – 15 Days After the Treatment

15 days After the Treatment
Session 1
Age 24
Technique Cryotechnology + 15 massage

Measurements                 The Substrate 13 Days After Application
4 cm Above the Navel 63.5 cm         62.5 cm
At the Level of the Navel 74 cm            65 cm
4 cm under the navel         78 cm            72.5 cm
7 cm under the navel         81.5 cm         78.5 cm

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Fat Freeze away your Muffin Tops for Summer!

Fat Freeze away your lumps & bumps!
If you can't stand your muffin tops and despite hours in the gym and endless dieting you still can't make big changes to your shape then medical intervention may be necessary. Up until now, liposuction was the only option and lets face it, it is relative drastic with significant downtime and discomfort. However, now cryo-adipo-lysis .i.e freezing fat cells so that they die, is a hugely popular option for people like you.
Cooltech uses cryoadipolysis via proprietary methods and has met the high standards to be given a CE-Medical badge - ie. its suitable for medical use. There are plenty of cheaper imitators in the press and on the market today, but when it comes to your body you should stick to the best! Cooltech is manufactured in Barcelona, a centre of innovation, and is distributed in the UK by Cocoon Medical. The system offers patients a cost-effective alternative to liposuction and also is much quicker than other systems as for many patients only ONE treatment is necessary (90% of patients were happy with just one treatment).
The lady pictured below would have normally required liposuction surgery such as VASER Lipo and would have had to wear a compression garment for 6 weeks and have about 3-4 days off work. Instead, with just 1 hour of Cooltech, she developed these amazing results and walked out of the clinic and back to work. The results took 8 weeks to develop but thats not much different to liposuction!
So what would you choose? Liposuction or Cooltech Fat Freezing ?
We think its a no brainer!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Steps for Summer Ready Skin


Drink plenty of water
Making sure to drink lots of water is always important. It boosts your energy, health and appearance. The absolute best, natural detoxifier, water flushes impurities out of your system while moisturizing skin from the inside out. Have an extra glass or two during warmer weather in order to stay hydrated and look flawless.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Pores: The Hole Truth

Open pores can refer to large pores on the skin, or even certain types of acne. In an effort to achieve perfect skin, many people try to “get rid” of their pores. While you can minimize the appearance of many imperfections, pores are a natural part of the skin don’t go completely go away.

Pore-ing Over the Facts

Large pores are noticeable to the naked eye. The size is common in both oily and combination skin because of excess sebum (oil) production from sebaceous glands. These glands are located beneath the skin’s surface. Such an openness in the pores can also increase acne problems. Blackheads, a common skin complaint, form into plugs at the opening of your pores.

Busting Pore Myths

The term “open pores” can lead to misconceptions about the size of your pores. The size ultimately depends on the activity level of the sebaceous glands, and not on your beauty habits. Also, while blackheads might make your pores look bigger, the pores won’t shrink if you remove the plugs.

Achieving Picture-Perfect Pores

While there’s little you can do about the size of your pores, there are some steps you can take to transform their appearance.

    1. Good Skin cleansing routine.
    2. Effective sun protection to delay aging.
    3. Proper oil control in the T-Zone(forehead, nose and chin)
    4. Early and effective treatments to pimples.