Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Sandalwood and rosewater paste:
Take a paste of sandalwood and rosewater which is used as a facial mask. Apply this paste directly on the scarred area.leave it to more than an hour or overnight if it is possible and wash it with water. This gives soothing and cooling feel for skin,this is how acne scar is treated.

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Removing Dark Circles

Simple Pimple Remedies

Egg mask: This remedy is not my personal favorite for apparent reasons, but it does work wonders on tough pimples. After making a sumptuous omelette for breakfast, swipe your finger tip inside the broken egg shell and pick up some of the remnant gooey white. Dab this on the affected areas and leave it on for as long as you can. Boost acne treatment by first using lemon juice on the acne and then the egg white for better results.

Home Remedies to Treat Chapped and Cracked Lips

• Use Vaseline or petroleum jelly to prevent dry lips
• You can use lip balm which soothes and heals the chapped irritated lips
• Apply Aloe Vera which is rich in vitamin E
• Rub cucumber slice on your lips to retain its smoothness
• Avoid lip plumpers which has harmful ingredients instead use ones which contain natural ingredients
• Avoid staying long in the low humidity environment
• Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
• Change your toothbrush every three months
• Avoid licking your lips


 A Natural Pharmacy In A Single Fruit

Maybe its one of your favorite fruits .(waste 2 mins to read this)

1.The fruit and juice are bursting with the most powerful antioxidants of any other fruit or juice!

2. The fruit and juice could lower your high blood pressure and cholesterol levels!
This fruit is safe and healthy for your heart!

3. The fruit and its juice may prevent a stroke!

4. It shines light into the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease!

5. It's natural sugars could also be something sweet and safe for diabetics!

6.It may help in the area of hot flashes, menopause and bone loss!

7. This juice is even important for strong teeth!

8. You can easily make delicious fresh-squeezed juice in your own kitchen!

9. The fruit and juice are delicious additions to all your recipes!

10. You’ll want to know more about how you can benefit from them
when you find out the facts!

Did you know that they…are one of the only fruits that may keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free if you eat them regularly?

Who doesn’t want to look younger and enjoy smooth beautiful skin, especially in the golden years? Everyone will think you’re ten years younger than you really are and you won’t have to worry about resorting to unsafe products for your skin.

5 ways to loose FAT

Slim body is quite identical with the absolute beauty for women. The depiction for the beautiful lady is always someone who has the ideal slim shape for the body. If you want to obtain the slim body, you should realize that you will take some special program for losing your weight.
It can be looked so enchanting when you have the ideal slim body. What you have to do is just getting the secret for losing the fat inside your body. Just be calm. It will not be really complicated at all. You can try to lose fat in 5 ways. To read more visit


Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Moisturizing and Strengthening Hair Mask


1/2 cup avocado
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 tbs coconut oil
1 tbs honey
1/4 cup water

1. Combine ingredients in blender or mix well with spoon.
2. Shampoo hair and rinse. While hair is still warm and wet, apply the mixture to hair from roots to ends.
3. Once the mixture has been generously applied and massaged into the scalp, wrap hair in a warm, damp towel or plastic shower cap and let sit for 15-to-20 minutes to allow the hair to absorb the nutrients.
4. Finish by rinsing hair in cool water (to lock in the moisture and close the cuticle), apply hydrating conditioner and rinse again.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Non Surgical Treatment for Back Fat & Love Handles

A slim, sleek silhouette ranks high on the wish list of most people. While a balanced diet and active lifestyle are essential for a consistently shapely physique; there are certain areas of the body from where mobilization of fat deposits takes longer than from other areas. These stubborn deposits of fat, such as back rolls and love handlespose a frustrating problem even to otherwise fit individuals.
Over the back region, fat deposits manifest in the form of back rolls (also called bra fat in women) and love handles. These unsightly bulges are visible even through clothing and get highlighted in tight clothes and bras.
Overall fitness and healthy body fat composition would help to reduce back bulges. However, they often persist despite high levels of physical activity. There are now effective non-surgical body contouring treatments available, to quickly address this concern. The Exilis technology for body shaping has found a place of pride in the offices of dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons across the US and Canada. Dr.Geetika Mittal Gupta first introduced this technology to India in May 2012 and has since treated hundreds of patients with remarkable visible results.
Exilis is a European product that is one of the finest body contouring machines available in the world today. Exilis is aUS FDA approved technology, which uses ultrasound and radio frequency waves in combination, to mobilize fat and tighten overlying skin, respectively.
By using a combination of waves and customizable depth of penetration, Exilis stands miles ahead of comparable technology in the market. The treatment consists of a few comfortable and evenly spaced sessions over the targeted area. The results are visible immediately, with progressive improvement over the next few months.
The treatment is painless with no recovery period and often described as a ‘hot stone massage’. The Exilis is a non-surgical clinically approved device which gives results without using any needles, medication, or anaesthesia.
To meet our doctors and know more about the Exilis treatment, please call us at 9268825390.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Forever Young

ISAAC Pear Membership "Forever Young" in just 24999/-. Call now to enroll: 9268825390. ** limited period offer

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Skin and Health Care: Why put up with lines and wrinkles? Dermal fillers...

Skin and Health Care: Why put up with lines and wrinkles? Dermal fillers...: There is no reason why you should look your age: dermal fillers make it easy to look as young as you feel. When you choose a ISAAC for der...

Why put up with lines and wrinkles? Dermal fillers can restore your youthful looks quickly and easily

There is no reason why you should look your age: dermal fillers make it easy to look as young as you feel. When you choose a ISAAC for dermal fillers in New Delhi, we’ll take good care of you, to give you exactly the look you want.
As well as fighting wrinkles, dermal fillers can also be used to augment your lips and add volume to the cheeks. Both the lip and cheek areas can begin to sag with age, and dermal fillers restore perky, youthful looks.
Dermal fillers can be used in a number of ways to fight the signs of ageing:

  • Cheek enhancement: Cheeks can sag with age, and fillers restore the fresh, plump appearance to give you a youthful look.
  • Smoker’s lines: Lines running along the upper lip are not only ageing, but they can cause lipstick to “bleed” into the skin area. Dermal fillers are a very effective way of dealing with these lines.
  • Nasolabial folds: Also known as “smile lines” or “laugh lines”, these folds run from the edge of the mouth to the nose and can become quite deep over time. Dermal fillers make these lines less pronounced.
  • Marionette lines: Marionette lines are the lines running down to your chin from your mouth. Dermal fillers can eliminate this common sign of ageing.
  • Lip augmentation: Lip fillers are a very popular treatment in Manchester (and throughout the UK) – even young celebrities choose to have this treatment. Lip fillers can be as subtle or as obvious as you’d like.
  • Chin lines: Many different types and sizes of chin lines can appear with age. Dermal fillers can give you a smooth, youthful-looking chin.
  • Nose: Fillers can be used for non-surgical rhinoplasty (i.e. non-surgical nose jobs)… this is ideal if you’d like to improve the shape of your nose, but don’t like the idea of surgery.
  • Facial contouring: Dermal fillers can enhance the contours of your face any way you’d like. So rather than focusing on one area in isolation, it’s about achieving an overall result that’ll make you happy every time you look in the mirror.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Skin Pigmentation Remedies

Take 1 tablespoon tomato juice,2 tablespoon of oats, 1/2 tablespoon of yogurt (curd),mix them well and apply this paste on affected areas for about 15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.With regular use you will see a noticeable change.This pack can be used 3 times a week and it suitable for all skin types.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

~~~Slim-down Drink~~~

1 cup grapefruit or orange juice
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp honey
stir really well!

Drink before each meal. It helps break down fat cells faster and aids in weight loss!

Boost your metabolism naturally with this Detox Drink. Try this out for a week. You will drop weight and have
TONS ON ENERGY! Sounds yummy!

Reflexology Chart

Friday, 22 November 2013

winter tips

Winter Tips

Is your face shriveling up from the dry winter air? Do your hands feel all scaly and gross? Are the heels of your feet shedding skin flakes? You can relieve your dry winter skin with some quick and cheap home remedies.

Beautify your nails while nourishing them with the latest bio sculpture from UK now @ISAAC. call us now +9268825390

Get Flaunt and flawless skin this Winter !!

Get Flaunt and flawless skin this Winter !!
Refresh - Relax and Renew, with Glycolic Peel
Call us now to avail some amazing offer on the same* !!
*Condition Apply

Thursday, 21 February 2013

5 surprising secrets for a flatter stomach

1. Stop doing so many crunches

Most people think that to achieve a flat, toned stomach you need to do a thousand crunches every morning before work, but that’s just not true. The surprising secret is that doing lots of ab specific exercises will only help you tone that area on a short-term basis, if at all.
To get the flat stomach you want, you have to work your entire core, building up its strength and flexibility. Doing exercises like Pilates or stability ball work will help you do this. Working your core is the key to achieving a flat stomach because it works all of the muscles in your stomach area, such as the rectus abdominis, your internal and external obliques and your transversus abdominis.

2. Stock up on whole grains

A study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered a surprising secret for a flatter stomach. The study gave participants a healthy diet to eat, consisting of fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish. However, they gave one set of participants wholegrain foods to eat and the other set of participants refined grain foods.
At the end of the study those participants who had eaten the wholegrain foods had lost more weight from their stomachs than those who ate the refined grain foods. The researchers believe that the participants who ate more whole grains and ate less refined carbs lost more from their waistlines because this change in diet mobilised people’s fat stores because of a shift in their glucose and insulin response. If you want to swap refined grains for whole grains, eat less yeast-based breads, pasta and cakes or cookies and eat more foods such as oats (which contains as many antioxidants as broccoli and spinach), brown rice and wheat berries.

3. Get some sleep

It may seem as though sleep has nothing to do with your dream of having a flat stomach, but it does. If you don’t get enough sleep then your hormone levels change, which can make you feel hungry and can also make you feel less satisfied once you have eaten. This can lead to overeating. Plus those late nights watching TV or going out with friends gives you more time to snack and reach for unhealthy foods.
So, how much sleep should you be getting? ISAAC advises adults that they should sleep for no less than seven hours a night. If you struggle to get this much sleep make sure you are exercising regularly, that you don’t nap during the day and that  you eat foods that contain tryptophan (an amino acid that helps you sleep), such as chicken, milk and yoghurt.

4. Time your meals

If you eat food quickly then you might find that you are eating more than you actually need to. Slowing down the pace you eat meals at will help you to achieve a flatter stomach because you will eat smaller portions. Also a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that eating quickly did not allow the hormone that makes you feel full to kick in. Therefore when eating quickly you are far more likely to eat more than is necessary.
To stop eating so quickly you should make sure you eat at your dining table and do not eat in front of the TV. Concentrating and savouring what you are tucking into will help slow down the rate you eat at. You could also set a timer and try to consciously slow down so that you eat the last bites of your food when the timer goes off. Also, a study found that soft lighting and gentle music helped participants eat less quickly so you could always dim the lights and put on some Enya too.

5. Tuck into some enzymes

An enzyme that will help you achieve a flatter stomach is called bromelain and it can be found in pineapples. The bromelain enzyme digests protein and is called a proteolytic enzyme. It is useful for those who want a flatter stomach because it aids the digestion of foods that are high in fibre, such as beans or vegetables. By aiding the digestion of these foods this enzyme eases bloating, which is a major obstacle that stands between many people and their flat stomachs.
If you want to get a flat stomach and think the bromelain enzyme might help you to achieve this then you should eat some fresh pineapple before a meal to aid your digestion. The enzyme can also be taken as a supplement.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

6 drinks to fight ageing


When to Drink:
At the Alarm Guzzle water, Dr. Geetika suggests. Hydrating will help beat that groggy feeling and make your skin look its glowy best (both now and later in life), says Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, M.D., a dermatologist at ISAAC, New Delhi


When to Drink:
At Breakfast Coffee may help your heart and (if you take it black) metabolism, and it reduces risk for some types of cancer, studies show.

Green tea

When to Drink
: At Lunch Sip tea. Green kick-starts metabolism and can help fend off breast cancer. Black may lower blood pressure, research from the University of Western Australia suggests.

Hot cocoa

When to Drink:
P.M. Snack Hot cocoa (have it over ice if you can't take the heat) has more antioxidants than does coffee, red wine or green tea. Great for your heart and skin.

Red Wine

When to Drink:
At Dinner Enjoy a glass of red wine: Piceatannol, a compound your body makes when you drink vino, could stunt fat-cell growth (woot!), 


When to Drink:
Before Bed Grab milk—your skeleton will love the calcium, and your muscles will love the protein. You'll wake up even stronger.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Egg, Avocado & Mud Facial Mask Recipe

Clay is available in powder form at any health food store. Mix 1 tablespoon dry clay with 1 egg yolk,
1/4 of a mashed avocado
and enough witch hazel to create a smooth mixture.
Mud dries excess sebum while the egg yolk and avocado replenish lost moisture.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

What you eat show on your SKIN

Salmon to prevent premature ageing 
A healthy skin desires essential fatty acids and most kinds of sea food have them in more or less amounts. As a premier source of omega-3 fatty acids, cold-water, oily fishes are laden with anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids. And salmon is an excellent example of that. People who ate diets rich in such foods have shown late appearance of skin wrinkling, as omega-3 fatty acids prevents the skin from drying out, keeping it supple and elastic for a longer time.
If you don’t like fish, opt for fish oil capsules, at least.
Green tea for acne-free skin 
This wonder drink is full of antioxidants, which helps reduce inflammation and protect cell membranes. Green tea, considerably reduces damage caused by overexposure to ultraviolet light and sunburns.
Sipping on green tea can also help in fighting acne as it lowers production of an acne producing hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Brewing up three to five cups of green tea every day is recommended to reap the full benefits for your skin.

Berries for protection against the harmful UV rays 
Deeply coloured berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrant, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries and the likes are good food for your skin. Berries help the body construct collagen which makes the skin smooth and supple. Brimming with antioxidant, berries are effective in neutralising damaging free radicals (a leading cause of premature skin aging and cell damage) generated in the skin by excessive exposure to UV rays.

Brown rice for well-hydrated skin
Brown is definitely better than white rice. The fiber-packed brown rice and other whole grains work like a charm in getting blemish free and firm skin. Whole grains contain ceramides, the lipid molecules which help your skin maintain its moisture. Naturally occurring ceramides get incorporated into the outer layer of skin and help in maintaining its hydration.

Eggs to help repair skin cells 
Crack open some eggs. Protein helps repair cells that have suffered free radical damage. Eggs, a complete source of protein, also contain biotin, an essential vitamin that protects against dry skin. Protein in eggs helps repair cells that have suffered free radical damage. Eggs, being a complete source of protein also score high on nutrients like biotin, an essential vitamin that protects against skin drying. Egg-white protein provides all of the twenty-two amino acids in balanced proportion with essential amino acids. The good news is egg-white protein contains no cholesterol!